A summer to live: how to make your day at sea in Sicily unique

Discovering the marine beauties of the east coast, we bring you two not-to-be-missed EasyBoats services with a special partner

Who says that the see is just a tan and a few dips in the water? A day at sea aboard the EasyBoats boats can turn into a different and eventful experience.

For those who want to add to their boat outing the emotion of swimming among the Mediterranean sea’s submarine beauties or “breathe in the good vibes” of the views of Mount Etna at sunset, here’s two activities we strongly suggest you try: snorkeling among the coves an introduction to relaxation techniques at sunset..

Both services are curated by Simone Fabac, sea and diving enthusiast and freediving instructor, that we interviewed for you.
Together we’ll get to the heart of these two experiences, designed specifically for the clients that rent a boat or choose an EasyBoats tour.


Hi Simone, even though many people already know you, let’s tell those who watch us who you are and where your passion for the sea comes from.
I think my passion for the sea was born 9 months before I did. We all are aquatic beings, and we spend the first stage of our lives in apnea in our mother’s womb. I’ve been going to the sea since forever, I got my first license when I was just 14, at 18 I became an instructor, and for the last 20 years I’ve never stopped practicing freediving and holding courses.

Let’s talk about the first activity that we want to recommend to those who follow us, an activity where you are our special guide: snorkeling. Let’s explain briefly what it consists of, how much does it last, what kind of equipment is needed, and who can practice it.
Anyone really can practice it (kind of like board games: ages 6 to 90) and you need really basic equipment consisting only of fins, dive mask, and of course snorkel. It consists in “going for a walk” by finning on the surface to admire the beauty of the sea beds and of the animals who inhabit them. Excursions generally are 1 or 2 two hours long.

Which itineraries do you have in mind and which submarine beauties can be admired during a snorkeling session among the coasts of Augusta
In Augusta we’re lucky to have a beautiful coast, crystal clear water, and several caves, arcs and passageways where the sun’s light effects are jaw-dropping.

Is it an activity that’s safe and also suitable for children? Can you do it in a group?
It’s an absolutely safe activity, considering it’s done in small groups and always in full respect of the weather and sea conditions.

Now let’s move on to the second activity, a breathing and relaxation practice, but also of introspection in the presence of the sea and of nature. We’re talking about an introduction to relaxation techniques. Tell us a little of what it’s about.
How many of us are really capable of breathing in a conscious manner? And yet breathing is the basis of life other than being the basis of physical and mental relaxation. I believe it could be very useful, other than extremely pleasurable, to further one’s own knowledge about this topic. nd what better place to do it if not the sea?

Why do you recommend this activity at sunset?
Sunsets, just like sunrises, are two particular moments of the day that have something magical about them, where emotions are amplified by the beauty of the colors and of the atmosphere that characterizes these moments. That is why I think sunset’s the best time.

Thank you, Simone, for showing us these services better, and for literally making us want to try out these beautiful experiences!

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